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entries development registry love
About Me

[eh-muh]: whole or complete in German (i complete my family!)

I arrived in October at Thomson Medical Centre in the good hands of Dr Yvonne Chan (the same nice doctor who delivered my kor kor!)


August 2014 | November 2014 |
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
I have arrived!!!

So to cut the long story short, some time when I was about 36 weeks old, Dr Chan told Mummy that she would recommend an elective (aka planned) Cesarean section for Mummy as Mummy's previous scar from korkor's birth was quite stretched and that there would be a danger in uterine rupture if she were to attempt a VBAC (virginal birth after C-sect).

Mummy was unconvinced and asked Dr Chan if it was possible to monitor for another week before coming to a decision. Mummy was rather adamant about trying for a VBAC as she has read that a VBAC is considerably safer and better than another C-section. After that one week, it seemed that the scar has not stretched much further and given that I was pretty small, it seemed possible again to attempt a VBAC. Dr Chan said to monitor again for a week before making the final decision.

On the day I turned 38 weeks, Dr Chan told Mummy that it seemed that my head was too big for Mummy's pelvis and again recommended the C-section. She pointed out that a planned C-section would definitely be safer than an emergency C-section and since my head isn't even engaged at this point, it is unlikely for Mummy to be successful in her VBAC attempt.

With that, Mummy resigned to another C-section and it was decided that I would greet the world on 24 Oct. Here's what happened on the day itself...

0600+ - Mummy and Daddy were woken up by hyperactive korkor.
0740 - As korkor was scheduled for his 18 months development assessment and vaccination, Daddy set off with korkor to Jurong Polyclinic while Mummy prepared herself for the operation later.
0902 - Daddy told Mummy that he was done and would be heading home soon.
0955 - Mummy & Daddy set off for Thomson Medical Centre (TMC).
1030 - Mummy & Daddy reached TMC and went to report at Dr Chan's for a final review. Mummy got hooked up to the CTG machine (you know, the one that monitors my heartbeat to see if I'm doing ok) while Daddy went to the hospital reception to register for admmission.
1107 - Mummy saw Dr Chan, who told her that my heartbeat was going down with every contraction (not a good sign) and it was a good thing that we have scheduled for the C-section today.
1200 - Mummy & Daddy finished with the paperwork for admission and were brought to a "lodging room" to prepare for the operation.
1205 - Daddy went to get some food while Mummy was told that there were no more normal single rooms and therefore she would be given a premier room for the price of a normal room (great news!!!) She was then given the medicine to pass motion (I must say that the nurse administering the medication on Mummy didn't seem to have much skills. She only succeeded in poking the thingy in after several attempts >.< poor Mummy...)
1210 - Daddy went to check out the premier room and told Mummy that it was much bigger than the previous room she stayed. Yippee!!!
1250 - Mummy was told that she would be staying in another room (still a premier room) as the earlier room was taken up by a patient who just had an emergency C-section.
1340 - Mummy was wheeled to the operating theatre while Daddy went to change into an operating gown.
1400 - Mummy was greeted by Dr Chan in the operating theatre. Dr Chan informed Mummy that the anaesthetist has been slightly delayed by an earlier operation. Mummy commented that she was feeling hungry having abstained from food since 8am.
1405 - Anaesthetist still not available. Mummy was beginning to feel nervous and joked with Dr Chan that it was strange why a planned C-section seemed much scarier than an emergency C-section.
1410 - Dr Chan was getting slightly impatient and went to get help from another anaesthetist, Dr Chong Jin Long, to administer a drip on Mummy to feed her with some "yummy stuff".
1415 - It became apparent that the anaesthetist was not going to make it for Mummy's operation. Dr Chan requested Dr Chong to assist in administering the epidural so that she can start with the operation.
1430 - Epidural administered and Mummy started feeling a little nauseous. Dr Chong assured that it was normal and she would feel better when I come out.
1435 - Mummy felt some tugging at her abdominal area and in a minute, I arrived with a loud cry!

The nurses got me cleaned up and shortly later, I was brought to Mummy to have the first cuddle. There was a series of photo-taking sessions before I was brought to get my measurements taken. Once again, as with what happened for korkor's birth, Mummy was taken to the recovery ward for further monitoring before she was sent to the room. I was sent to Mummy at around 5pm and we quickly got into good rapport in terms of breastfeeding. Mummy was so relieved!!! =)

Tuesday, August 5, 2014
3 months to arrival!